
Monday 24 April 2017

Spiritual insight: Getting out of your corner!

Get out of your corner! now what does it mean by being in your corner? Being in one’s corner simply means that a Christian does not display in public what He or she practices. The Christian should take
his or her calling to the public (center stage). The corner has to do with the society. These includes
1.    Principalities (politics and government) 
2.    Powers (economy) 
3.    Rulers of darkness (organized ignorance) 
4.    Spiritual wickedness in high places 

God does not want us to see Jesus in one dimension but operational in four dimensions because we are the four dimensions. If you have political, economical power and do not have spiritual power, then you do not have any power. You are the light of the world, therefore you cannot bind rulers of darkness until you are engaged in a fight with them. You are in the corner because you are trying to catch your breath. Anointing cannot flow in the corner because your corner knows everything about you. Light does not shine in light but in darkness – your anointing will only flow when you leave your corner. 

When you stay in your corner, you get competition. Paul was in the corner (Act 19: 13-17) that was why the vagabond jews got into competition but later got their reward. The system tried to keep Joseph in the corner until he took his message (dream) to the center stage. Joseph was ready and took his dream to his brothers who got jealous and sold him out after stripping him of his coat. 

Once you are ready, opportunities present itself. Your blessing is not in your condition but in your position. Joseph was stripped of his coat – his blessing was not in his coat but in his position. Sometimes, your connector is your trouble where you are heading to. Again, Daniel was in the corner that was why he suffered until the anointing dragged him to the lions den (Center stage) (Daniel 6: 1-28).  It wasn’t Important to do what the king wanted unless it is in accordance with God’s will. 

There is no wrestling match until two people come in contact with each other. David was courageous not to (hide in the corner) run away from Goliath but run towards him (go center stage).  Every believer must therefore come out of their corner stage otherwise you become like salt dancing with salt in a salt shaker! 

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