
Thursday, 15 September 2016

Donald Trump releases his medical report letter saying he is overweight!

US presidential candidates, Donald Trump released a medical report letter from his personal doctor on Thursday that summarizes his latest physical exam, saying he takes a cholesterol-lowering drug
and is overweight but overall is in “excellent physical health.”

Trump, 70, discussed the results of the exam on "The Dr. Oz health talk-Show" on Thursday afternoon, saying that presidential candidates have an "obligation" to be healthy and that he feels like he is still in his 30s.

"When you're running for president, I think you have an obligation to be healthy. I just don't think you can do the work if you're not healthy. I don't think you can represent the country properly if you're not a healthy person," adding that the last time he was hospitalized was when he had his appendix removed at age 11.

 The letter states that Trump is 6 foot 3 inches tall and weighs 236 pounds, making him overweight and on the verge of being obese for his height. Trump said in the interview that he would like to lose 15 to 20 pounds but that weight loss has always been difficult for him because of his lifestyle.

The letter also lists the results of recent lab tests, which Bornstein says are all within the normal range. The letter says that Trump takes a statin, a drug for lowering cholesterol, along with a low dose of aspirin. During the talk show, Trump said that both of his parents lived to an old age and many of his mother's relatives in Scotland lived into their 90s. The letter states that there "is no family history of premature cardiac or neoplastic disease."

 In the letter, which is dated Sept. 13, Bornstein states that Trump has been under his care since 1980, and sits for an annual physical exam. While the letter released by Trump gives more information on his health and physical makeup than previously known, it does not constitute his medical records nor does it give extensive detail about past health matters.

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